To provide education to these students to make them good citizens and have a better future through good education.
To ensure the provision of adequate healthcare to students for their healthy development.
To impart vocational training skills attuned to the needs of the community like Tailoring, Computer skills, and other allied activities.
To create awareness among the community at large about the need to support and protect the rights of girl students.
When we educate girls, we empower communities. We give them the chance to dream bigger and contribute more. We help them grow into capable, confident women who can take control of their own futures and help their families, their communities, and their countries thrive.
Empowering women is the smart thing to do. When women are given the opportunity to participate fully in the economy and society, everyone benefits. We need to create more opportunities for women to lead, learn, and succeed, and break down the barriers that hold them back
Cultural education is as important as formal education. Education should not only create good professionals but also good human beings. It is through education that one develops a sense of belonging to the nation and society in which one lives.
Empowerment of girls can only come through education. Educate a girl and you educate a family, a community, and a nation.